DMXControl Assembly 2014

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Author: DMXControl Projects e.V.
Date: 28.05.2014 - 01.06.2014
Location: K14
City: Berlin Karow
Atendees: 19 members and around 15 guests
Yeah :)

DMXControl Assembly 2014 - »History In Mind - Future In Focus«

DMXControl Projects e.V. for group picture (guests in parenthesis) back row (from left to right): (Moritz (RPi Beamertool)) Julien, (Stefan (Soda Cassel)), Stefan G. middle: Marcel, Dennis, Markus M., Philipp, Stefan K., Uwe, Frank front: Wolfang, Dirk, Patrick, Jens-Peter, Christian, Marten, Maik, (Tom (OLA))


DMXControl Projects e.V. am Eingang des K14

With our this year's assembly we celebrated our 10th anniversary. Around 20 people made their way to K14 in Berlin, our tradition club.

At the first day it was raining cats and dogs, but Wolfgang brought his own sum with him, which obviously motivated the real sun to shine more - but that wasn't our intention, so we used unfair methods (curtains) to keep it out of the building.

Day 1 (Wednesday)

As we were afraid of the time because of the planned open house, the first people arrived at wednesday, so they could start preparation early. So we had enough time to get to know Moritz, who programmed the Raspberry Pi based Beamertool. Maik prepared some Raspperries as Hoc was planning a show with it.

Day 2 (Thursday)

Final stage with our equippment
Height adjustment of a videoprojector
fineadjustment of the lightshow; or banner is used as screen for the Beamertool
Height adjustment version 2
Question: What's that?(Solution: Filename)
Stefan's LED-Matrix, at 10 % brightness
Hoc looks at his present

The day started building up our stuff at the stage. Our FOH had a width of four metres and - as it included a digital audio desk, a video desk, four computers for lighting and one light desk - looked quite professional.

At stage we placed five video projectors. Each one had an Art-Net controlled Rasperry Pi placed directly behind it.

Late afternoon Frank opened the assembly, supported by a video message from Arne and a video review from Marten. All three reminded us at the great activities of the last ten years. In his talk »history in mind - future in focus« Arne draw a great future for the project. Frank drew our focus to the early beginning of DMXControl with the Hosh- and Albatros-Show, and was exited to hopefully see an at least linear increase in profesionality.

In the evening, Stefan K. held a presentation with his LED matrix based on WS2812-LED-Stripes. The matrix is controlled by a self written Art-Node with Art-Net from DMXControl (or other matrix software), and consists of 594 RGB LEDs (33 x 18 pixels), so uses nearly four DMX Universes.

Julien presented his developed RGB Lamp with DMX, USB and Bluetooth connectivity. Currently the price is a little high, but components are getting cheaper by time.

Tom from Salzburg (our guest from far away) brought a OLA-installation with him and presented it to us. He sadly pointed out, that the DE-Interface and Noodle aren't supported, and maybe he will bild up a DMX Community in Austria.

Day 3 (Friday)

Central Art-Net switch and wireless DMX below stage
Automatic fog distribution of the smoke machins (left) with ventilators (right)
LED fixtures for wall washing, waiting for their cue
White cuboids with video content mapped on them
Alchemists at work
Nodle course - material


Nodle couse, held by Wolfgang and Dirk


Nodle soup, a substantial meal ;)
Dennis shows DMXControl 3

After Breakfast we took the obligatory picture of the club members and guests.

Then we used all spare time to adapt and fine tune saturday's light shows to the room and more and more staged fixtures. Other members extended their electronic knowledge building a noodle interface with Wolfgang and Dirk, so nearly every member now owns such a DMX interface. In the evening we had Nodle soup to be strong for the next day.

After lunch we held telephone conferenze with Arne. He sadly remarked that he's in china and can't attend our meeting. He wanted to be informed in detail - sadly he had to be satisfied with pictures and videos. He shortly talked from his China visit. Accidentally he stubled across a caraoke bar using DMXControl 2, so we set him in charge with building up the chinese DMXControl Community. In the end we discussed about DMXControl 3 with Dennis.

After supper Patrick presented us DDFCreator 3 and his further development, we discussed about different details like descriptions in the software. Aferwards Stefan K. presented the different editions of DeskLamp (white, RGB, USB-Adapter).

After we repaired the shutter of a moving head, we again rehearsed and finetuned the lightshows multiple times, and finally recorded them on video.

Day 4 (Saturday)

Special construction for videotaping the lightshow
talk held by Peer
Show scene
DMXControl offspring einjoying the lightshow
Clemens Ruhnke and Roman Dünkel from Pyro Art
Fireworks synchron to our light show
Fireworks synchron to our light show
FOH from one meter distance
Birthday cace(s)

For detailed programm see our wiki article 10 Jahre DMXControl (de).

After a short breakfast we alread had our first guests, getting shown our lightshows. They complimented us and we talked shop about details. Following Peer Franke von Avantgarde held a talk about his beginning with light engineering with the east germany band Karat. He later was responsible for conerts with over 100,000 visitors and bands like Bruce Springsteen, Joe Cocker et ecetera. He told us about often very improvized equipment and difficulties to buy new equipment.

Am Nachmittag hatten wir Clemens und Roman von Pyro Art zu Gast. Sie klangen etwas enttäuscht, dass sie mit ihrer 3000 W Nebelmaschine niemanden beeindrucken konnten, und ließen sie dann gleich im Auto. Dann führten uns den Ramptec AeroFlamer vor, der dann die bei der Nebelmaschine erhoffte Aufmerksamkeit erhielt. Alle ließen sich ausführlich die Gerätefunktionen und die zugehörigen Sicherheitsfunktionen (z.B. Erkennung, ob das Gerät gekippt ist) zeigen. Sie erklärten den Gästen und uns außerdem in einem Workshop die grundlegenden Sicherheitsbestimmungen für Pyrotechnik und erarbeiteten mit uns die Einbindung eines Feuerwerks in eine unserer Lichtshows. Man kann mit Recht sagen, dass das Ergebnis einer der Höhepunkte in der Geschichte des Vereins ist! Vielen Dank an Jens-Peter und Christian für die Vorbereitung dieser beiden Supershows. Die Steigerung zu den Vorgängershows war nicht linear, sondern exponentiell! Ein Video der Show folgt.

The meeting was so motivating, that we recieved two new membership applications.

Abends wurde dann die Leistungsfähigkeit der Nebelmaschinen getestet. Ein Messen der Sichtweite mit Hilfe eines Laser-Entfernungsmessgeräts in die Nebelwolke hinein ergab eine Sichtweite von 0,335 Metern.

Der Abend klang aus mit einer sehr lustigen und stimmungsvollen, von DJ Maik moderierten, Party.

Bevor dann der Abbau begann, hatten wir auch viel Spaß uns anzugucken, wie ein Movinghead die Show und das Publikum sieht, siehe Foto mit der Spezialkamerakonstruktion.

Zu unseren Gästen zählte auch wieder Hr. Mahler vom Papiertheater, der in seinem Theater DMXControl einsetzt und uns hohe Stabilität bescheinigte. Leider haben uns weniger DMXControl-Community-Mitglieder besucht als wir gehofft hatten. Dennoch haben wir unseren Gästen und den anwesenden K14-Stammgästen regelmäßig unsere Shows präsentiert.

Strichliste für Vorführungen der Lichtshows:

Anlass Anzahl
für Gäste IIII
mit Feuerwerk I
für Videoaufnahmen IIII
leise für den Nachwuchs I
mit voller Power für die Inhaber des K14 I
Aufzeichnung einer Videoaufnahme I
Summe: XII

DMXControl Assemblys:
