Intensity (DDF-Syntax) DMXC3

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Books.png Intensity (DDF-Syntax) DMXC3 Article describes
DMXControl 3.2.3
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Table of Contents
Part 1: Basics
Part 2: Functions
Part 3: Procedures
Part 4: Examples

Dimmer, Switch, Shutter, and Strobe are functions in the DDFs for DMXControl 3, which are assigned to the group Intensity and thereby influence the brightness of a device. For this purpose, the GUI provides a corresponding control panel.


The dimmer channel controls the brightness of a device. LED PAR spotlights or moving heads usually have only one dimmer channel. Depending on the configuration, resolutions ranging from the standard resolution of 8 bits to finer resolutions up to 32 bits are possible. For this purpose, the element is expanded to <dimmer dmxchannel="0" finedmxchannel="1" ultraddmxchannel="2" ultrafinedmxchannel="3" />. DMXControl automatically handles the corresponding calculation of which DMX channel to control.

Important Hint Unlike LED PARs, scanners, or moving heads, dimmer packs have multiple dimmer channels. However, it is not necessary to map the dimmer pack with its four, six, or twelve dimmer channels itself. It is more helpful and easier to add the connected halogen PAR spotlights to the project accordingly.

Case Code example
<dimmer dmxchannel="0" />

Dimmer on DMX channel 1 with a standard linear dimming behavior from 0% brightness (off) at DMX value 0 to maximum brightness of 100% at DMX value 255.

Dimmer with 16-bit resolution
<dimmer dmxchannel="0" finedmxchannel="1" />

Dimmer with 16-bit resolutions on DMX channels 1 and 2

Simple dimmer in a specific DMX value range
<dimmer dmxchannel="0">
  <range type="linear" mindmx="0" maxdmx="127" minval="0" maxval="100" />

Dimmer on DMX channel 1:

  • Linear dimming behavior from 0% brightness (off) at DMX value 0 to maximum brightness of 100% at DMX value 127.
Attribute type mindmx maxdmx minval maxval
Description DMX value for low brightness DMX value for maximum brightness Lowest brightness Maximum brightness
Permissible attribute value linear 0 to 255 0 to 255 0 % to 100 % 0 % to 100 %


The function switch is used whenever only two states need to be toggled, for example, the state "work light on" and the state "work light off".

Apart from the DMX channel, no further information needs to be provided for this element. DMXControl 3 automatically outputs a DMX value of 0 for brightness values less than 50% and a DMX value of 255 for brightness values above 50%.

It is recommended to use this function only with a switch pack. For activating another operating mode, such as sound-to-light control, the rawstep element is better suited.

Case Code example
<switch dmxchannel="0" />

Switch on DMX channel 1


The shutter is usually found in moving heads or scanners with a discharge lamp. Mechanical shutters are inserted into the light beam when the device should not emit light. Additionally, the strobe effect is generated via the shutter. For moving heads or scanners with LEDs as a light source, this behavior is simulated electronically.

Usually, several functions need to be assigned to the shutter channel, but at least the functions "shutter closed" and "shutter open".

Case Code example
<shutter dmxchannel="0">
  <step type="closed" mindmx="0" maxdmx="21" />
  <step type="open" mindmx="234" maxdmx="255" />

Shutter on DMX channel 1:

  • Shutter closed at DMX values between 0 and 21.
  • Shutter open at DMX values between 234 and 255.
Attribute type mindmx maxdmx
Description Lower DMX value for the state Upper DMX value for the state
Permissible attribute value closed
0 to 255 0 to 255


Basic functions

Various functions such as different strobe effects can be assigned to the strobe channel. The following strobe effects are common:

  • linear: Strobe frequency steadily increases to almost continuous lighting
  • pulse: Pulsating strobe effect
  • random: Flashes occur at random intervals with increasing intensity
  • ramp up: Flashes become brighter up to the maximum value and then go out abruptly
  • spikes: Individual flashes are generated

Case Code example
<strobe dmxchannel="0">
  <step type="open" mindmx="0" maxdmx="5" />
  <range type="linear" mindmx="6" maxdmx="89" minval="1" maxval="12" />
  <range type="pulse" mindmx="90" maxdmx="172" minval="0.5" maxval="6" />
  <range type="random" mindmx="173" maxdmx="255" minval="1" maxval="12" />

Strobe on DMX channel 1:

  • No strobe at DMX values between 0 and 5.
  • Linear strobe with speed increasing from 1 Hz at DMX value 6 to 12 Hz at DMX value 89.
  • Pulsating strobe at DMX values between 90 and 172 with a speed of 0.5 Hz to 6 Hz.
  • Random strobe at DMX values between 173 and 255 with a speed of 1 Hz to 12 Hz.
Attribute type mindmx maxdmx minval maxval
Description DMX value for minimum strobe frequency DMX value for maximum strobe frequency Minimum strobe frequency Maximum strobe frequency
Permissible attribute value linear
ramp up
ramp down
ramp up/down
0 to 255 0 to 255 0 Hz to 50 Hz 0 Hz to 50 Hz


The following subfunctions are possible for individual functions of the strobe channel:

  • strobetype: Selection of the strobe effect via a separate DMX channel

Strobe type

The strobetype selects the strobe effect via a separate DMX channel. This function is usually available when the device can generate many different strobe effects, and the strobe frequency should still be precisely adjusted in this context.

Case Code example
<strobe dmxchannel="0">
  <strobetype dmxchannel="1" />
  <step type="open" mindmx="0" maxdmx="5" />
  <range type="linear" mindmx="6" maxdmx="255" minval="0.5" maxval="25" >
    <step handler="strobetype" mindmx="6" maxdmx="42" />
  <range type="random" mindmx="6" maxdmx="255" minval="0.5" maxval="25" >
    <step handler="strobetype" mindmx="43" maxdmx="85" />

Strobe frequency on DMX channel 1, strobe effect on DMX channel 2:

  • No strobe at DMX values between 0 and 5.
  • Linear strobe in the range between DMX values 6 and 255 with speeds from 0.5 Hz to 25 Hz, with DMX values between 6 and 42 on DMX channel 2.
  • Random strobe in the range between DMX values 6 and 255 with speeds from 0.5 Hz to 25 Hz, with DMX values between 43 and 85 on DMX channel 2.
Attribute handler mindmx maxdmx
Description Minimum DMX value Maximum DMX value
Permissible attribute value strobetype 0 to 255 0 to 255

Additional functions

The following additional functions are possible for the entire strobe channel:

  • duration: Setting the duration of a single flash


The duration sets the length of the flash duration of a single flash. The maximum flash duration corresponds to the strobe frequency. For certain combinations of strobe frequency and duration, a continuous lighting is generated if technically possible.

Case Code example
<strobe dmxchannel="0">
  <step type="open" mindmx="0" maxdmx="5" />
  <range type="linear" mindmx="6" maxdmx="255" minval="1" maxval="12" />
  <duration dmxchannel="1" >
    <range type="linear" mindmx="0" maxdmx="255" minval="0" maxval="650" />

Strobe frequency on DMX channel 1, flash duration on DMX channel 2:

  • No strobe at DMX values between 0 and 5.
  • Linear strobe in the range between DMX values 6 and 255 with speeds from 1 Hz to 12 Hz. Flash duration from 0 ms to 650 ms via DMX channel 2 in the range between DMX values 0 and 255.
Attribute type mindmx maxdmx minval maxval
Description DMX value for shortest flash duration DMX value for longest flash duration Shortest flash duration Longest flash duration
Permissible attribute value linear 0 to 255 0 to 255 0 ms to 2000 ms 0 ms to 2000 ms