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{{#tree:id=dmxc3|openlevels=1|root=DMXC 3 lessons|



Scene lists are the means to control your show. In this lesson we explain how to define the sequence and the flow of scenes by triggers.

Lecture 11: Trigger in scene lists

In previous lesson we learnt how to create cues and scene lists. Now we are familar with most of the attributes of scene list, but some more explanation about the trigger is nessecary. The default trigger is "follow", i.e. the next cue will be started after the previous one is finished.

Important: When you change the trigger type, you need to apply the changes with Enter.

But there are some other types of triggers, the following table informs you about its behaviour.

Datei:DMXC3L11 trigger.jpg

Type Example format Description
manual (opt) 3 use GO to fade in next cue

optional: fade in cue after 3 GO presses, default is 1

follow 5s wait until the cue is faded in, then the countdown is started
wait 5s countdown starts when the previous cue fades in
timecode 00:26:05 expects external timecode information
rtc ?? ??
beat (opt) 3 connect in Input Layer panel the "manual beat" output per Drag & Drop with "Beat" input of scene list

optional: fade in cue after 3 beats, default is 1

In case you type a wrong format into the trigger value field you will get some hints about the expected input. See the example for the "follow" type.

Hint: Type in combined time information without "blank" character, e.g. 1m20s

Datei:DMXC3L11 triggerhelpcontextfollow.JPG

Here is the example for the timecode selection.

Datei:DMXC3L11 triggerhelpcontext.JPG

Currently the time code from Digital Enlightenment Mediacenter [1] is supported only. Support of other time codes will follow.

topics to be added (by beta testers)

  • What about "rtc"?
  • Example for external timecode usage
  • How to configure "beat"?


  • Test a mix of "follow" and "wait" triggers in one scene list
  • Use a tool providing timecodes (DE MediaCenter) and test a scenelist that is completely based on timecodes

Additional links and references

Following figure shows the dependency and capability of mixing several trigger types:



I have understood the topics of this lecture and want to continue with next course: Lesson 12