Appendix 1 Tut3

From English DMXC-Wiki
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Summary of commands and shortcuts

Linear fanning

Syntax Example Description
> 50 > 100 linear interpolation
<> 50 <> 100 linear interpolation: marginal devices: 50, central devices 100
(mnemonic trick: In the symbol both signs are directed outside; there the first value is applied; the second value is applied in the center.)
>< 50 >< 100 contrary: marginal devices: 100, central devices 50
(mnemonic trick: In the symbol both signs are directed inside; there the first value is applied (in the center); the second value is applied at the edge.)

Alternate fanning

Syntax Example Description
# 50 # 100 alternate values 100/50/100/50 ...
# # 100 # 50 # 0 alternate values 100/50/0/100/50/0 ...

Fanning in property grid with mouse wheel

Key Value Description
no key pressed +1 / -1 dedicated color changes value
Shift +10 / -10 dedicated color changes value
STRG +1 & -1 Fanning / values are changed, z.B.118 > 154
ALT +1 / -1 values are changed
Shift+STRG +10 / -10 values are changed
Shift+ALT +10 & -10 values are changed in block

Property Panels

Key Reaction Description
Double click zero position e.g. Color panel, Position panel
Simple click to fader stepwise increase/decrease value depending on whether one clicks above or below the current position


Key Reaction Description
ENTF Deletes current line select line, value is deleted from programmer

effect parameters

Attribute Example Description
Amplitude 50 > 100 value interval for selected attribute; can be set to negative value too
Phase [0..1] offset between group elements
Frequency [0..1]  cycle speed 

Stage View

key action result
M ("Matrix") press key M and drag mouse a matrix is created from the selected icons
F ("Fanning") press key F and drag mouse icons are proportionally aligned (e.g. in a row)
C ("Circle") press key C and drag mouse icons are aligned in shape of circle

Cue list

Function short code Description Comment
Add Strg+A Add a new scene to scene list at the end default
Insert Strg+I Insert a new scene to scenelist before selected scene
Replace Strg+R Replace current scene attributes by the values in the programmer
Merge Strg+M Merges selected scene with programmer values programmer values with higher priority
Append Strg+P Append new property from programmer to the selected scene existing scene with higher priority, new values from programmer are added
Subtract Strg+B Removes a property from selected scene hint: modify the wanted property so that this appears in the programmer
Sum (Special) Inserts current output of devices into Cue List
PSum (Special) Similar to Sum, but related to currently selected devices in Stage View
Preset (Special) Opens a window, where you have the capability to add a Preset to Cue List
Scenelist (Special) Inserts (similar to commands in DMXControl 2) a entry to impact another cue list
Function short code Description Comment
Edit in Programmer Selected cue is loaded into Programmer. Programmer Output Mode is set to All
Edit in Programmer Blind Selected cue is loaded into Programmer. Programmer Output Mode is set to Blind
Cut Strg+X cut the selected scene like EXCEL "cut row"
Copy Strg+C copy the selected scene like EXCEL "copy row"
Paste Strg+V paste the selected scene like EXCEL "paste row"
Delete Del(Entf) delete the selected scene like EXCEL "delete row"
Renumber Cues Renumber Cues
Cue Timing Editor a separate editor is opened


There are some command options in the command line mode for getting detailed information on the status of the kernel:

  • shutdown: Shut down the kernel.
  • status: Displays information about the status
  • menu: Access to control menu
  • clear: Clears the console
  • notification: Send a notification to all clients
  • width: Defines width of console (number of characters)
  • help: Help menu (also accessible via "?")

Additional second level menu commands exists for "menu" and "status".

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