Procedures functions (DDF-Syntax) DMXC3

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Books.png Procedures functions (DDF-Syntax) DMXC3 Article describes
DMXControl 3.1.2
Examples Arrow forw.png
Table of Contents
Part 1: Basics
Part 2: Functions
Part 3: Procedures
Part 4: Examples

With the help of Procedures, functions are called that are usually not needed during live operation. Saving these functions in Cues is also not usually necessary. These include, for example, the complete reset of a device or individual motors, the activation or deactivation of pan and tilt inversion, or turning the light source on and off.

These functions are accessed not through Device Control, but in the Stage View via the context menu of the respective device, through the Procedures submenu.


Procedures in DDFs for DMXControl 3 all have the same structure, which usually consists of four elements:

  • Name of the function for the associated Procedure
  • set: Specifies the DMX channel and the DMX value
  • hold: Hold time for the DMX value
  • restore: Restoration of the initial state

If the restore element is omitted in a Procedure, the DMX value entered under set remains set.

Available Procedures

Currently, the following Procedures are already predefined in DMXControl 3, but Procedures with custom names can also be created. For the most common functions, unique symbols are automatically assigned to the names. The naming can be freely chosen since Procedures directly address DMX channels with DMX values. It is therefore possible to start a complete device reset with the Procedure for turning on the lamp. However, this approach is not recommended.

Procedure Name Description Note
lamp_on Turns on the lamp of the corresponding device.
lamp_off Turns off the lamp of the corresponding device.
reset Triggers a reset on the corresponding device.
reset_pan_tilt Triggers a reset of the pan & tilt motors on the corresponding device. The device moves to its reference points for pan & tilt.
reset_pan Triggers a reset of the pan motor on the corresponding device. The device moves to its reference points for pan.
reset_tilt Triggers a reset of the tilt motor on the corresponding device. The device moves to its reference points for tilt.


Triggers a reset of the gobo motor on the corresponding device. The gobo wheel moves to its reference points.


Triggers a reset of the gobo 2 motor on the corresponding device. Gobo wheel 2 moves to its reference points.


Triggers a reset of the color motor on the corresponding device. The color wheel moves to its reference points.


Triggers a reset of the color 2 motor on the corresponding device. Color wheel 2 moves to its reference points.
reset_effects Triggers a reset of the built-in effects on the corresponding device.
reset_zoom Triggers a reset of the zoom function on the corresponding device.
reset_shutter Triggers a reset of the shutter on the corresponding device.
reset_iris Triggers a reset of the iris on the corresponding device.
reset_focus Triggers a reset of the focus function on the corresponding device.
reset_prism Triggers a reset of the prism wheel on the corresponding device.
pan_invert_on Inverts the pan channel on the corresponding device.
pan_invert_off Disables the inversion of the pan channel on the corresponding device.
tilt_invert_on Inverts the tilt channel on the corresponding device.
tilt_invert_off Disables the inversion of the tilt channel on the corresponding device.
pan_tilt_swap_on Swaps pan and tilt on the corresponding device.
pan_tilt_swap_off Disables the swapping of pan and tilt on the corresponding device.
display_on Activates the display of the corresponding device.
display_off Deactivates the display of the corresponding device.