BeatTool DMXC2

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Books.png BeatTool DMXC2

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Picture 1: The beat module
Picture 1: The beat module

For the music controlled light show you also should have a look at the beat module.

It offers the possibility, beat so-called produce BPM studio [1] and therefore steer effects live and completely self-sufficiently by hand or with help of external sources like the free Winamp [2] or this. It is therefore another module besides the sound Analyzer to analyze music outside DMXControl.

 Important Hint The programs [ http://numark. de/index. php?option = com_content virtualdj. com/ VirtualDJ & amp & task = view & ID = 203 & Itemid = 278 NumarkCue ]; http://www. native-instruments. com/index. php [?ID = traktor3 NI TraktorDjStudio ], with help are the dmxcontrol. de/wiki/OSC _to_MIDI OSC to MIDI tools supports.


Picture 2: The module icon
Picture 2: The module icon

So that this « Beat module » the window accomplishes his tasks, permanently must remain opened. It is under the menu item « Window » find, as well as directly about the icon callable.

The beat module can be used to this that a special event-or you switch further. Cue module or effect module must the corresponding checking box be marked to this in the modules « bopping triggered » (« music steered ») being put. E.g. a single light/strobe in time for the music therefore can be activated or the position increases at a run light at every beat. At first beat should in the mode around a feeling for desired or unwanted to get « Manual » cues being tested.

The red joist flashes every time if the beat module has generated time. Under this the temporal distance and the value in BPM get shown, by means of same (beat per minute) double-click which one can be edited, to provide a BPM value manually (e.g. of a beat counter at the DJ mixer).

 Important Hint This only is, taken, however, if you in the mode « Manual » are.

Installation notes

You can skip the following section, if you only want to use the mode manually.

The following steps are needed, around in the mode « WinAmp AVS plug-in » achieving first successes. This is the simplest way how you get the beat of an arbitrary (mp3-)song or a microphone in DMXControl.

 Important Hint The mode « WinAmp AVS plug-in » the one who least shows delay between actual audible beat and visible lightning of the joist also is.

Picture 3: Selection by Winamp installation
Picture 3: Selection by Winamp

You load himself down first the free player of the home page indicated above and take care at the installation that the AVS-Plugin is select. (All other hooklets can be removed)

 Attention At some operating systems it can happen that Winamp must be executed with administrator rights before the player passes data on to other programs. (This is e. g. the case at Windows 7 in the test mode or Windows 8)

Picture 4: Aktivate the AVS Visualizers in Winamp
Picture 4: Aktivate the AVS
Visualizers in Winamp

If the player and DMXControl have started, the Plugin can be selected by means of right click on the spectrum (or Ctrl+ K). The DMXControl-Ausgabeplugin can be selected in the AVS window then opening with a right click in turn. The Winamp-DMXControl effect is only one in AVS after an installation of Winamp of many, why still recommends to remove the random case in the AVS editor to himself.


  • The Beat module supports three modes:
  • « Manuell »
  • « WinAmp AVS-Plugin »
  • « BPM-Studio »


Picture 5: Aktivate DMXControl in the AVS plugin
Picture 5: Aktivate DMXControl
in the AVS plugin

In this mode most functionalities of the beat module are utilizable. With help the « Tap button » a single beat can be produced. Two are at least used this so that the beat can be continued automatically beat. Directly under this « Tap button » the time can beat between the last ones be read in ms. The advertisement is limited on five beat intervals and reflects the current formula again for the mean average value which is issued in the form of beat ongoingly now. The three values under the beat lightning reflect exactly this value again. the value just calculated is at second place (x/x/x). In first place this one arising from it beat-per-minute and the maximum deviation in last place of this time to the other tab badge petitions. With « Reset » the determined values can be deleted any time.

With the buttons « 2 », « 1 » and « 1/2 » the multiplier with which the beat is distributed can be chosen. Has to be taken into account that this one « Tap button » in everybody case only the factor « 1 » changed. You click together, at himself, that is a beat of 60 BPM, become « 2 » always 120 BPM and at « 1/2 » 30 BPM appear. Quite different at the manual overwriting of time. This stands « 2 », and we enter 60,0 becomes at « 1/2 & raquo; calculated down and turned around on 15 BPM.

If the function « from sound analyzer » is checked the beat after each other of time of the sound analyzer overwritten very simply becomes all 5, activated.

Picture 6: random change deactivate
Picture 6: random change deactivate

There we us but still in the mode « Manual » is, these can by hand by button any time « Tap « and being overwritten the other way round.

If the beat has come once from time, the can with help « Sync button » being helped. The becomes unlike « Tap button » no new (beat-)distance calculated but available time when pushing on the button synchronizes (started newly). The phase relationship is corrected short around.

Winamp AVS plugin

If you have followed the installation notes completely above, a beat should immediately be recognizable at choice of this mode. You can adjust a BPM maximum value with the regulator which comes to the application however only for an active checking box. The button « Reset » and the button « Tap » don't have any functionality for this mode, are, however, accessible furthermore so that a liquid change to the mode « Manual » possible without break is.


The BPM studio runs on any computer in the network, the beat also can be fetched by this player under input of the name so. At installation on the same computer localhost can be kept for ordinary. The interval query also should be left for 2000 ms. Little values can lead to instability at slow computers.

Module commands

  • Modul: BeatTool
  • Meaning from device/function and channel
Device/Function Description Channel Description
Tap button The command (channel) is applied to the Tap button in the beat tool. Select The Tap button is selected (selected).
Sync button The command (channel) is applied to the Sync button in the beat tool. Select The Sync button is selected (selected).
Reset button The command (channel) is applied to the Reset button in the beat tool. Select The Reset button is selected (selected).
Factor The function factor has an effect on the multiplier for the BPM.. 2 Multiplier two for BPM.
1 Multiplier one for BPM.
1/2 Multiplier half for BPM.
BPM value With the function BPM value the BPM value can be influenced directly. Set BPM value entered transfers this one the command (channel) set to.
From sound analyzer This function has an effect on the checking box in the sound analyzer. On/OFF In connection with the T flag the function can one and be turned off.

Meaning of the Flags:

Flag Meaning Description
T Toggle mode The Flag »Toggle mode« result in the function's being set by the first call and being reset by the second call.
O Used specified value The Flag »Used specified value« result in the being assigned to the appropriate channel of the value in the openings' value. This value isn't DMX value 0 to 255 but a per cent value 0. 000 to 100. 000%
A Ask for value The Flag »Ask for value« result in the opening at call of the order of an input window in which the per cent value can be entered.
I Ignore value 0 The Flag »Ignore value 0« result in the being ignored of a value of zero. Do you need at some orders to ensure a correct function.


  • With the button « Sync » the beat can as a side effect single produce even if no BPM value was gone falteringly.
  • With the badge & laquo; Reset & raquo; can you synchronize time on the music if a phase shift has arisen.
    Be able to hire you next to this badge, whether you double or would like to halve time.

Links and references




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