Channel view DMXC2

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Books.png Channel view DMXC2

20.5.2013: JKuehn: create the article page
25.10.2013: work-in-progress by UPrenner
25.10.2013: UPrenner article ready, just update of pictures
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The channel overview displays a general overview of the current channel status of DMX signals. Information about the current channel values, the channel assignment, and the source of the channel value are represented here.


You can see and adjust directly the channel value of every single DMX channel in the channel overview. This module serves in the disco area to analyze to test ticks or around an unknown device configuration mainly. The channel overview is primarily the individual light atmospheres helpfully in the theater area at being clear to it and the generation. E.g. you also can test the effect of procedures into the DDFs with this window since the DMX values of the individual channels are shown.

Picture 1: The channel overview
Picture 1: The channel overview

The individual channels are represented in the middle part of the channel overview into tabular form. Every cell represents one of the altogether 1024 of DMXControl supported DMX channels. In turn each of these cells is subdivided into several areas which contain different information.

 Important Hint Information: Channel representation
The channel number which gives the address of the appropriate channel is in the left upper corner of the cell. An advertisement for the channel value which shows the intensity of the appropriate channel from 0 to 255 is on the right side. A joist represents the channel intensity graphically besides that on the left.

Directly you show under this, to which function the channel in the assigned device heard or which equipment function he heads. The name of the corresponding device is a line in a gray field represented below. If a device has several channels, the gray field reaches to all appropriate channels.

A colored marking which announces the source of the channel value is shown on the lower part of the cell. The assignment of the color to the source has to be taken from the lower part of the channel overview.

Picture 2: Description of the channel information
Picture 2: Description of the channel information

The channel chosen currently is marked by a red frame. Click in one of the cells to select another channel. The value of the chosen channel can be changed by the Slider on the left window edge. However, a multiple selection of channels is also possible with the help of the Shift and Ctrl buttons.
Picture 3: multiple selectionof channels in the channel overview
Picture 3: multiple selectionof channels in the channel overview


Button Out/In

With the button « Out » or « In » in the lower left corner you adjust, whether the DMX-out or DMX in values is shown. Channel values are, only then shown case the active version Plugins DMX into support in the DMX in view.


A Slider which is used to adjust the value of the select channels is directly over this button. The scrolling up joist on the right side serves to scroll by the indication of the channels merely.

Double-click on channel

Double-click through one an input window in which new DMX value can one want to enter for the select channel by keyboard opens on a channel (cell in the channel overview).

Marking several channels

Buttons 'Shift' and 'Ctrl' can with the Windows typical channel areas are selected which have changed by the Slider or the scrolling up wheel on a value at the same time for themselves.

Changing channel value with mouse wheel

With a mouse with scrolling up wheel the values of the active highlighted channel can get high or scrolled down in 10s steps.

Channel On/Off with Space-button

With the Space button you can switch one or several highlighted on (DMX value 255) or turn (DMX value 0) off.

Source overview

In the lower area of the channel overview everyone is shown to sources possible for the version and provided with a colored marking, through what one can identify the source for the channel value version of a channel. Every source has his own mixer channel.

Picture 4: Details of all possible DMX value sources.
Picture 4: Details of all possible DMX value sources.

The entry unknown source puts the public mixer channel, which all program parts of DMXControl which don't have a mixer channel of their own use. The sources are unknown because the mixer channel cannot be assigned to any tool by DMXControl directly.


The window channel overview also can be used to test a new equipment. Any DMX channel (even without a Device Definition) may be set here. Simply select channel and use the Slider on the left. Of course the start address of the device has to be taken into account.

 Important Hint With the space bar you can toggle between the channel values 0 and 255.


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