Joystick control DMXC2

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Books.png Joystick control DMXC2

25.10.2013: UPrenner: create the article page
02.11.2013 UPrenner: work-in-progress
02.02.2013: UPrenner article ready, just update of pictures
02.02.2013: UPrenner pictures updated
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The joystick control gives you the possibility of steering DMXControl's functions with a joystick or gamepad.

Picture 1: Window for the activation of the joystick control
Picture 1: Window for the activation of the joystick control

  Important hint The activation window of the joystick control must remain opened in DMXControl in the versions up to and including 2.11 so that the joystick control works. This is no longer necessary as of version 2.12.


Picture 2: Window for the configuration of the joystick control
Picture 2: Window for the configuration of the joystick control

In the joystick control you can assign commands to the axes X, Y and Z and maximum 12 buttons each of four joysticks to thus e.g. steer scanner or hoving heads directly. The operation of dimmer channels and assignment of arbitrary commands to the axes or buttons is also possible. This happens just like the attitude at the other controls/remote controls keyboard control, MIDI remote control, DMXIn remote control.

The number of supported joysticks is limited on 4 at the moment, there exists the possibility, however, of not a solid device but the respectively select device influencing graphcal view in this one. About the group choice a fast change of the device to be steered is possible.


  • Relativ (the deflection of the axes determines only the direction and speed of the movement, not her exact position relative)
  • Absolut (the position of the axes determines the position of the cone of light (let off the ninepin snaps back))

per axis are adjustable.. In the relative mode this one can in addition « Area deactivated » at (useful to a bad provision of the joystick) and be the acceleration adjusted to to the edge.

Module commands

  • Modul: Joystick control
  • Meaning from device/function and channel
Device Description Channel Description
Control The next command (channel) is applied to the joystick control. On/Off The joystick control will be turned on or off (T-Flag).
Activate The joystick control will be activate.
Deactivate The joystick control will be deactivate.

Meaning of the Flags:

Flag Meaning Description
T Toggle mode The Flag »Toggle mode« result in the function's being set by the first call and being reset by the second call.
O Used specified value The Flag »Used specified value« result in the being assigned to the appropriate channel of the value in the openings' value. This value isn't DMX value 0 to 255 but a per cent value 0. 000 to 100. 000%
A Ask for value The Flag »Ask for value« result in the opening at call of the order of an input window in which the per cent value can be entered.
I Ignore value 0 The Flag »Ignore value 0« result in the being ignored of a value of zero. Do you need at some orders to ensure a correct function.


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MIDI remote control Arrow forw.png