Program settings DMXC2

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Essential attitudes can be adapted regarding the unusual features of the computer and/or the light configuration in the window program configuration.
The program configuration is divided up into 5 areas:

  • General
  • Graphical view
  • Cues/Chasers
  • Tools
  • Output


Tabulator General

Picture 1: Window program settings, tab general
Picture 1: Window program settings, tab general

Setting Meaning Default comment
Refresh interval for spectrum analyzer Time interval after which new audio data are fetched by WinAmp 50 ms A larger interval can improve performance at weak computers
Disable automatic saving of cue library The cue library is stored periodically, by activation this storage can be put down. not enabled At great projects with outstandingly many cues, it can come to delays in the course of the chasers by the automatic storage of the cue library sometimes.
Font size for zoomed views Type size in the graphical view at zoom 8
Indication of the DMX values % Rearrangement between absolute and percent indication not enabled
Program startup
Execute command on programm start To the start of DMXControl an command which switches on e. g. the Grundlich is executed. no command defines The command can about the DMXControl usual commands are defined. (see chapter command overview)
Deactivating safety query at program end Deactivating query when ending DMXControl not enabled
Save color and gobo lists globally The color and gobo lists aren't stored in the project directrory, but in the DMXControl directrory . not enabled Farb and Gobolisten can be used in all projects
Flash "scroll lock" LED on beat Beat from the beat tool or sound analyzer flashes the "scroll lock" LED. not enabled

  Important hint For large projects with above average many cues, it may cause ever automatic storing of cue library delays in the flow of the chasers. In this case, disable the automatic fuse is advisable at this point.

Tabulator Graphical view

Picture 2: Window program settings, tab graphical view
Picture 2: Window program settings, tab graphical view

Setting Meaning Default comment
Open when hovering over the icon DDF devices popups, opens when you move the mouse over it. not enabled
Open after clicking the icon DDF devices popups, opens when clicking the device icon. enabled
Close after:        ms Time to close the DDF devices popups when the mouse leaves popup. 1 sec.
Size Size of the icons in the graphical view in pixels 32 pixel.
Change size when zooming Information when zooming the graphical view also increase not enabled
Use presetation of color instead of graphic When enabled a programmed LED color is displayed in LED-RGB devices instead of the icons. not enabled
Show device name and adress The device names and addresses are displayed in addition to the icons in the graphical view of the stage not enabled

Tabulator Cues/Chasers

Picture 3: Window program settings, tab cues/chasers
Picture 3: Window program settings, tab cues/chasers

Setting Meaning Default comment
Default set points for non-fading channels About the slider can be set at what point the channel is switched on. 50%
No warning when all channels should be saved. When saving from all channels a warning carried DMXControl, since this database is also larger. Here, this warning can be turned off and be darurch more effectively worked. not enabled
Start chasers on double click It enables the start of a cue in the chaser by a double click. not enabled
Threat ungrouped chasers as separate group All of the chasers associated with any group form a distinct group activation. not enabled
Align group names right hand Sets the group names right in the chaser window from, rather than directly behind the chaser name. enabled

Tabulator Tools

Picture 4: Window program settings, tab tools
Picture 4: Window program settings, tab tools

Setting Meaning Default comment
Sound analyzer
Quelle VBVis-Plugin If the radio button VBVis plugin is enabled are imported the audio data for the BeatTool and the sound Analyzer via this plugin in Winamp after DMXControl. enabled
Quelle AVS-Plugin If the radio button AVS plugin import the audio data for the BeatTool and the sound Analyzer via this plugin in Winamp after DMXControl is enabled. not enabled

Tabulator Output

Picture 5: Window program settings, tab output
Picture 5: Window program settings, tab output

Setting Meaning Default comment
DMX mixer
Disable "Highest takes precendence" (HTP) mixing With this option, DMX mix can be switched between LTP and HTP. enabled
Use HTP for mixing RGB channels) If you enable this option, also the RGB channels in the HTP-mode are mixed. not enabled
Handle RGB channels as dimmer If you enable this option, RGB channels handled devices as dimmer by LED. not enabled
Let DDF's limit channel values (MinValue/MaxValue) If this option is enabled, which transferred values from the DDF's min and MaxValue and included for the output. not enabled
Apply values from all sources to selected device If this option is enabled, clustered devices perform the same processes in the graphical view of the stage at the end of cues. not enabled


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