Log Files DMXC3

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DMXControl 3.3.0
Stand: 03.03.2025
Log Files DMXC3
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In DMXControl 3, numerous actions from all program components, such as the Kernel, Umbra, and the GUI, are recorded in log files. These include, among others:

  • Startup procedure of the kernel and the graphical user interface
  • Establishing and disconnecting connections between the various program components
  • Loading a project
  • Creating and activating the DMX output via different interfaces
  • Adding new Devices
  • Actions in the Stage View
  • Starting and stopping Cuelists via Cuelist Groups
  • Triggering actions via input assignment
  • Saving or exporting the project
  • Exiting the graphical user interface, Umbra, and kernel

During the installation of DMXControl 3, the installer also logs the installation process. This primarily includes whether the required additional modules are present or need to be installed, as well as a list of all the files that the installer copies into the desired directory.

The entire logging function serves the development team in case of errors, to trace the actions that were performed earlier, should the error not be explicitly noted in the log files. Therefore, in DMXControl 3, under « Help »⇒ « Export Logfiles », there is a function to export all log files, which can then be attached, for example, to a bug report in the bug tracker.

Figure 1:Export function for the log files
Figure 1: Export function for the log files

This function automatically creates a zip archive that compiles all the log files. The file name includes the date and time when the export was performed.

Important hint DMXControl 3 only stores the log files for a limited time. The last 10 sessions per program part are always saved. This means the log files can be exported later in the case of an error, and not necessarily, for example, during an ongoing event.

The log files can also be viewed by the user at any time with any text editor, such as the Editor or Notepad++. By default, the log files are stored in the following directories:

  • Kernel: "C:\Users\[USERNAME]\AppData\Roaming\DMXControl Projects e.V\DMXControl\Kernel\Log\"
  • Umbra: "C:\Users\[USERNAME]\AppData\Roaming\DMXControl Projects e.V\DMXControl\Umbra\Log\"
  • GUI: "C:\Users\[USERNAME]\AppData\Roaming\DMXControl Projects e.V\DMXControl\GUI\Log\"
  • Installer: Installation directory of DMXControl 3, by default under "C:\Program Files (x86)\DMXControl 3\"
Important Hint If a custom system configuration has been set up for DMXControl 3, creating an environment variable to move the working and configuration directory to a different location, the directories where the log files are stored will change accordingly.