Fanning DMXC3

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DMXControl 3.3.0
Stand: 02.03.2025
Fanning DMXC3
Table of contents



















Fanning is a function in DMXControl 3 that allows you to distribute values according to specific patterns across Devices or Device Groups. These can be values for functions like Dimmer, Color, etc. in Device Control, parameters of cues like fade time, or parameters for effects. Predefined operators like <, >, or >< are used.


Fanning is one of several ways to create your own light scenes or even effects in DMXControl 3. Unlike functions that are assigned to a specific device, fanning works dynamically. This means the output values automatically adjust to the selection in the Stage View or the number of devices within a group. This is particularly useful when working with frequently changing light setups or when you want to create smooth color transitions over a larger number of devices without manually calculating and entering color values for each device.

Key Features

Fanning is automatically recalculated for each function and parameter as soon as the number or order of Devices in the respective Device Group changes. However, this only happens if the associated Cuelist is stopped. If a Cuelist is active, changes within the device group are not taken into account.



To use fanning, devices should ideally be grouped together. This is possible, among other places, in the Project Explorer. Alternatively, fanning can also be applied to a selection of multiple devices in the Stage View. The details of how this works are described in the article about Device Groups.

In the next step, the group can be selected in the Stage View, and the fanning operators can be entered in the device control.

Fanning Operators

The following table describes all operators with the example Dimmer. The DMXC-Version column indicates which operator is available since which version of DMXControl 3.

Operator DMXC-Version Examples
Fanning Dimmer 0 and 100 Fanning Phase Effect Bump 0 and 180
< 3.0.0 DMXC3 Manual Fanning linear left static.png Fanning g kl.gif
> 3.0.0 DMXC3 Manual Fanning linear right static.png Fanning g gr.gif
<> 3.0.0 DMXC3 Manual Fanning linear from center static.png Fanning g 0-100-0.gif
>< 3.0.0 DMXC3 Manual Fanning linear to center static.png Fanning g 100-0-100.gif
# 3.0.0 DMXC3 Manual Fanning alternate simple static.png Fanning g 0-100.gif
## 3.2.0 DMXC3 Manual Fanning alternate mirrored static.png Fanning g 0--100.gif
I 3.2.0 DMXC3 Manual Fanning symmetric simple static.png Fanning g senkr.gif
II 3.2.0 DMXC3 Manual Fanning symmetric mirrored static.png Fanning g senkrsenkr.gif
~< 3.3.0 DMXC3 Manual Fanning crossed left static.png

Fanning Tilde gr.gif

~> 3.3.0 DMXC3 Manual Fanning crossed right static.png

Fanning Tilde Kl.gif

~<> 3.3.0 DMXC3 Manual Fanning crossed from-center static.png

Fanning Tilde klgr.gif

~>< 3.3.0 DMXC3 Manual Fanning crossed to-center static.png

Fanning Tilde grkl.gif

? 3.2.0 DMXC3 Manual Fanning random value simple static.png Fanning g fr.gif
?? 3.2.0 DMXC3 Manual Fanning random value mirrored static.png Fanning g frfr.gif
?# 3.3.0 DMXC3 Manual Fanning random full static.png

Fanning fr hash.gif

Fanning with the Mouse Wheel

In the Device Control and in the Control Panels (Control Panel), the fan settings can also be adjusted using the mouse wheel. By pressing the mentioned keys, values can be set in different increments.

Fanning in the Color Control Panel

Key Increment Change Rate Description
no key normal ±7,06 Changes the Hue value

Fanning in the Position Control Panel

When turning the mouse wheel in the Position Control Panel, a fanning effect is always generated. By pressing different keys or key combinations, you can influence the change rate and direction of the two (outer) fanning points.

Key Increment Change Rate Change Direction
Pan Axis Tilt Axis
no key normal ±1° Yes Yes
Ctrl ±1° Yes Yes
Shift coarse ±10° Yes Yes
Shift + Ctrl ±10° Yes Yes
Alt fine +0.1° Yes Yes
Alt + Ctrl +0.1° Yes Yes

Fanning in the Device Control Panel

By pressing different keys or key combinations while rotating the mouse wheel, you can influence both the change rate of the value and generate a fanning effect. To work with the mouse wheel, the slider for the corresponding value must be expanded.

Key Increment Change Rate Fanning
Dimmer Rotation Index Zoom Angle
no key normal ±1 ±0.01 ±10° ±0.1° No No
Shift coarse ±10 ±0.1 ±100° ±1° No No
Alt fine ±0.1 not assigned ±1° ±0.01° No No
Ctrl Generates a fanning effect in normal increments Yes Yes
Ctrl + Shift Generates a fanning effect in coarse increments Yes Yes
Ctrl + Alt Generates a fanning effect in fine increments Yes Yes


Fanning can be used in many areas of DMXControl 3. The last table provided examples with fixed dimmer values and their use in a phase of the sine effect. Additionally, fanning can also be applied in cues for fade and delay times.

The same applies to fade and delay times in the Cue Timing Editor.

Links and References

Video Tutorials

On our YouTube-Kanal, you can find the following videos on this topic.

The Basics of Fanning
Applying Fanning
Overview of Fanning Operators