Device Control DMXC3

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DMXControl 3.2.2
Stand: 02.03.2025
Device Control DMXC3
Table of contents



















The Device Control takes care of controlling all the devices present in the project along with all their functions. The content is always dependent on the selection in the Stage View.


In the Device Control, you can operate your devices with all settings and functions. Especially with large moving heads, the device control is very important because the control panel only addresses the main functions like dimmer, color, gobo, and lens. This window also displays the settings with their current values. You can change the values by typing a new one or using the various dropdown menus.

Key Features

The content of the device control is always dependent on the selected device or selected device group in the Stage View and is continuously updated. If multiple devices with different functions are selected in the Stage View, the device control shows the intersection of the available properties.

If no device is selected in the Stage View, the device control remains empty.


Device Control


You can drag effects from the Effects and Filters window by Drag & Drop to any entry in the device control. The following points should be considered:

  • 2D effects can only be used for position. 1D effects can be used separately on the pan and tilt properties.
  • For filters like Chaser, Color Chaser, there are individual restrictions for each effect, which means that these effects can only be applied to certain properties.

More information can be found in the article Effects and Filters.


The device control accepts all Fanning operators in all input fields. The only exceptions are properties with fixed values or predefined entries, such as the gobo wheel. Fanning cannot be used for these functions.


In the device control, in addition to fanning, the parameter and speed masters can also be entered. These two types of masters are intended for the following properties:

  • Speedmaster
    • Device properties: Gobo rotation, prism rotation, general rotation
    • Effects: Frequency
  • Parametermaster
    • Device properties: Dimmer
    • Effects: Amplitude

The speed and parametermasters can also be used in combination with the fanning operators.



The order of entries such as Dimmer, Strobe, Color, etc., is set internally by the program and cannot be changed by the user. Free functions for the internal programs of the device are automatically added at the end of the list in alphabetical order by the device control.

Display Variants

The number format used for color and speeds can be fundamentally changed in the application settings for the GUI. By default, the device control shows a value range from 0 to 1 for color components like color. This value range can be changed to 0 to 255 or 0 to 100.

Additionally, the color element offers three different display variants for color mixing. The options are:

  • RGB
  • CMY
  • HSV

Switching between the three variants is done by clicking the middle mouse button.

Important Hint It turns out to be difficult to display all effects across all display variants for color mixing, so it is recommended, for example, to switch to the HSV color mixing for a static rainbow from red to green through yellow.

Links and References

Video Tutorials

On our YouTube-Kanal, you can find the following videos on this topic.

Device Control and Control Panel