Speed Master (Master) DMXC3

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Books.png Article describe
DMXControl 3.3.0
Stand: 04.03.2025
Speed Master (Master) DMXC3
Table of contents



















The Speed Master belongs to the group of Master and is partially equivalent to the Parameter Master. With the help of the Speed Master, values of device functions (e.g., strobe frequency, gobo rotation speed) and parameters of effects (duration, frequency, ...) can be live manipulated. The difference is that the Speed Master can only be used for values that represent a speed. This includes, for example, the speed of an effect, such as the parameter for (repetition) frequency, or a value for a device function like strobe frequency or gobo rotation. Additionally, the Speed Master provides a clock signal for the beat trigger of a Cuelist. It is generally designed so that a Speed Master can be used multiple times to synchronize multiple effects or similar things to a speed.

Important hint For technical reasons, currently only about ten Speed Masters can be created. Additionally, it must be individually checked whether the use of additional Speed Masters is possible.


Creating New Speed Masters

If you want to use a Speed Master in a specific function, you enter the name in the Device Control as a value for this function following this schema: {SpeedMaster 1}. Here, SpeedMaster is the keyword for DMXControl 3, and 1 is the sequential number of the Speed Master. In this case, it is the first Speed Master. Both the keyword and the sequential number are enclosed in curly brackets { ... }.

Additional Speed Masters can be created in the same way, such as entering {SpeedMaster 4} or {SpeedMaster 7}. In the example below, {SpeedMaster 1} is assigned to the frequency of the bump effect, while the amplitude is assigned a fixed value of 100. It is also shown that the same Speed Master can be used, even if the underlying time unit for the effect is Hz in one case or ms in another. DMXControl 3 automatically adjusts the Speed Master internally.

Attention The keyword SpeedMaster is an internal value of DMXControl 3 and is therefore not translated in the German interface.
Figure 2:Application of a Speed Master for the bump effect in device control.
Figure 2: Application of a Speed Master for the bump effect in device control.
Figure 3:Application of a Speed Master for the chaser effect.
Figure 3: Application of a Speed Master for the chaser effect.

Storing and Addressing Speed Masters

After entering the values for the device functions and effect parameters, this setting is stored in a Scene (Cue) or a Preset. When the scene is executed via the associated Scene List or the preset, the Speed Master is loaded in the background. Once the value of the Speed Master is changed, the corresponding property adjusts. The value changes can be made either through the master window or via the Input Assignment.

Usage in Scene Lists

In a Scene List, the Speed Master can be assigned as the Beat Source in the properties:

Figure 4:Selecting various Speed Masters as Beat Source for a scene list.
Figure 4: Selecting various Speed Masters as Beat Source for a scene list.

For the scene to be triggered in sync, "Beat" must be selected as the trigger for the scene. It is possible for the same Speed Master to be used both in a scene list and in parameters of different effects or device functions.

Important Hint If a different Speed Master needs to be used in a scene list that is not yet available in the project, it can be created either in the project explorer or with the help of the Device Control. There is no limitation regarding the number of Speed Masters.

Controlling the Speed Master

All Speed Masters contained in the project automatically appear in the Master Window. For each Speed Master, there are buttons that, when later used on an Executor or in the Input Assignment, perform the same function.


The Speed Masters offer the following settings in the properties (Properties).

Setting Possible Parameters Default value Description
English GUI
Kernel Settings (Kernel properties)
Name Default Text Schema SpeedMaster ... Internal name of the Speed Master, which serves as the keyword for all uses.
Master number Numeric value Internal number of the Speed Master.
Display name Any text SpeedMaster ... Descriptive, freely assignable name for the Speed Master, such as DJ-Deck 1, DJ-Deck 2.

External Control

The Speed Master can be controlled via the Input Assignment and returns corresponding values. The following nodes exist, which can be linked to the corresponding inputs and outputs: