Chaser (Filter) DMXC3

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DMXControl 3.3.0
Stand: 04.03.2025
Chaser (Filter) DMXC3
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The Chaser is an effect of the type Filter. The Chaser can be used to display various patterns on a Device Group.

Possible Applications

The Chaser can be applied to the following functions, among others. All possible functions can be discovered by selecting the Chaser and applying it to a function using the [Apply] button.

Effect Parameters

Parameter Possible values Unit Description
English GUI
Peak Function-dependent value --- Specifies the value that the devices will assume in the active state. The possible value depends on the function to which the effect is applied.
Duration Numeric value ms Sets the duration for which the value stored under "Peak" will be output.
Break steps Numeric value --- This value defines after how many steps the time entered under "Break time" should be triggered.
Break time Numeric value ms The "Break time" represents the time after which the effect will be paused once the "Break steps" are reached.
Fade time Numeric value ms Determines the time it takes for the effect to fade between two steps. The fade-in time is added to the "Playback time".
Size Integer value --- Specifies how many devices will simultaneously assume the value stored under "Peak".
Step size Integer value --- Specifies how many devices will be switched simultaneously when moving to the next step.
Fade curve List --- With this parameter, you select a curve that defines how the fading should occur.
Play mode List --- Here, you determine the pattern of the effect. This list also includes any self-defined patterns.

Special Functions

This effect has the following special functions:

  • Custom Chasers

Custom Chasers

In the Chaser, you can also create your own patterns. This is done using a CSV file. The CSV file can be created in various ways, such as with Notepad++ or Microsoft Excel. The structure consists of three components:

  1. the keyword
  2. the name of the Chaser
  3. the block containing the steps to be executed

In the file, the first line must always contain the keyword ChaserDefinitionFile. Only when this keyword is present will DMXControl 3 use the CSV file as a basis for additional patterns for the Chaser, provided all subsequent checks are passed. In the second line, you specify the name of your pattern, which will then be added to the list of possible playback modes (Play modes) for the Chaser.

The block with the steps to be executed is a matrix. Each column represents a device according to the manual selection order in the stage view or the sorting in a device group. Each row represents a step. So, if you provide values in eight columns and two rows, the pattern consists of two steps and will repeat from the ninth device. Values between 0 and 1 are allowed for the cells. Intermediate steps are also possible, such as 0.45 or 0,45. A comma , or a period . can be used as the decimal separator. The semicolon ; is the separator for a new column.

Attention No spaces are allowed within a row. Otherwise, the later import will fail. However, for better readability, additional paragraphs can be inserted.

Based on this description, a CSV file for a simple custom pattern might look like this:


It is possible to store multiple patterns within a single CSV file. To do so, simply add a line with the name of the new pattern and the block with the values. It’s also allowed for the patterns to have different numbers of steps and to apply the pattern to a different number of devices before the pattern repeats.


To provide your own patterns to the Chaser effect in DMXControl 3, you need to add the CSV file to the project as an additional file. The quickest way to do this is by opening the Project Explorer and dragging the file into the table area. Alternatively, the context menu provides the entry « Import files », which will open the corresponding file selection dialog.

After the CSV file is added to the project, the Chaser can be applied in the usual way.

Important hint As with predefined patterns for the Chaser, the custom patterns also do not offer a parameter to change the playback order of the steps in the pattern. So, for example, if you want to play the Sawtooth pattern from the above example in reverse order, you need to create a completely new pattern for the Chaser and save it under a different name.


For the Chaser effect, the following values for the parameters create particularly interesting results that you might not expect from this effect at first glance:

  • Random strobe or a thunderstorm effect with a continuously changing number of simultaneously active devices
  • Running from the center with a step gap, linked with a Speed Master